3 - 6 septembre 2025 - Inscriptions ouvertes 1er octobre 2024 !


Août 14 2022

A race report from the 2021 Mischabel 60

Lizzy Hawker

Our friend Billi Bierling, mountaineer and journalist, came to the 2021 UTMR to volunteer and to race. Here’s what she has to say about it! Billi we are looking forward to welcoming you back and wish you good luck for your 2022 race! The COVID-19 pandemic was tough for runners all over the world. Even […]

Août 22 2021

Europaweg : nouvelles routes GPS 2021 – de Grächen à Europahütte et Zermatt

UTMR Admin

Une fois de plus, l’Europaweg change d’itinéraire ! Cette fois-ci, il a été amélioré pour faciliter la montée vers l’Europahütte, en passant moins de temps sur les anciennes routes en balcon de l’Europaweg, mais en conservant de beaux paysages. Vous pouvez télécharger la trace GPS (et le fichier KML de Google Earth ci-dessous).

Juil 11 2021

David Laney runs the « Special Edition » 100 km!

Lizzy Hawker

The iRunFar introduction for David reads « David Laney was born and raised in Oregon, and that just about covers it. David runs for Nike Trail and coaches with Trails and Tarmac. You can follow him from mountain tops to donut shops on his Instagram account. » With numerous wins to his name, a 3rd (2015) and 4th (2016) place […]

Mar 16 2021

Brennan Townshend runs the 100 km 3 Passes!

Lizzy Hawker

Brennan is a trail and fell runner based in Keswick in the Lake District of the UK. He lives with his wife Kat and step daughter in the shadow of his local fell (small English mountain), Latrigg. He is currently studying Sports Science at Manchester Metropolitan University, and with his wife has a coaching business […]

Fév 23 2021

The Slovak Ultra Trail team again joins for the 170 km Ultra Trail

Lizzy Hawker

We were set to welcome elite runner, Marián Priadka, from the Slovak Ultra Trail Team to the 2020 edition of the 170 km Ultra Tour! We’re really happy that he’ll try again for 2021. We asked him some questions to get to know a little more about him…. Q. Can you remember how you first heard […]

Fév 21 2021

La Capretta, Philippe Aurelle, makes his 6th appearance at UTMR!

Lizzy Hawker

We like also to heartily welcome back our loyal runners! Philippe Aurelle, La Capretta, will be participating for the 6th time at UTMR. Thank you Philippe & see you again in September! Philippe’s participation at UTMR: the 2016 edition 116 km Ultramarathon, the 170 km Ultra Tour in 2017, 2018 & 2019, the Grächen Berglauf in […]

Fév 17 2021

Kikourou comes to the UTMR 100 km 3 Passes

Lizzy Hawker

For the last few years we have partnered with Kikourou, an endurance sports community in France, to offer a competition for a free place for UTMR. This year Xavier Jacquel was the lucky winner and will be competing in the UTMR 100 km 3 Passes ultra. We asked him some questions to see how he […]

Fév 12 2021

Julien Gilleron returns for the 170 km Ultra Tour!

Lizzy Hawker

In 2020 we invited Julien Gilleron, a journalist « Trans-Versale » who writes for Wider Magazine and Alpinemag amongst others, as a media participant in UTMR. Of course with cancellation of the longer events we extended his invitation to our Grächen Berglauf, which ended up as a happy, sunny day of mountain running even while adhering to […]

Jan 28 2021

Darcy Piceu to run 2021 Ultra Tour Monte Rosa!

Lizzy Hawker

We welcome Darcy Piceu to the 2021 Ultra Tour Monte Rosa to compete with Jasmin Paris, Roman Evarts, Tom Owens, Matthieu Girard and others! Darcy has been running ultramarathons for 20 years and has completed over 103 ultra races. Some of her notable accomplishments include 3 time Hardrock 100 winner, 3 time Wasatch Front 100 […]

Jan 27 2021

Roman Evarts returns for the 2021 Ultra Tour

Lizzy Hawker

Back in 2018, Roman Evarts was a UTMB Podium Finisher and then he chose the 2019 UTMR 100 mile ultra trail for his ‘next big challenge’. Of course in 2019 the weather gods intervened and the race was halted in Gressoney, around the halfway mark. He says he is ‘stoked’ to return and finally do […]

Jan 25 2021

Matthieu Girard returns for the 2021 Ultra Tour

Lizzy Hawker

The 2018 winner of the 170 km Ultra Tour (32:59:33), Matthieu Girard, is returning for 2021! Here he gives his thoughts about UTMR and offers some insight for 2021 race competitors. Thank you Matthieu & best of luck, see you in September!  N.B Matthieu is co-president of Trail Verbier St-Bernard a beautiful set of races at the […]

Jan 22 2021

Jasmin Paris will compete in the 170 km Ultra Tour for 2021

Lizzy Hawker

We’re very happy to welcome Jasmin Paris as one of the elite women running the 170 km Ultra Tour in 2021! Jasmin is British and is extremely well known in Great Britain as a fell runner, and became known on the international stage as a sky runner after her victory in the 2016 Skyrunner World Series (Sky Extreme) and bronze medal […]

Mai 11 2020

Ultra Tour Monte Rosa 2020 & the COVID-19 pandemic

Lizzy Hawker

Ultra Tour Monte Rosa, 10th May 2020. It is with great regret that we announce the cancellation of the 2020 edition of Ultra Tour Monte Rosa.  We have carefully considered the current pandemic situation and the risk that holding a race like UTMR would present to our runners, volunteers and hosts. We take this decision […]

Mar 02 2020

CH & ; Ambassadeur d’Europe : Sacha Mijatov

Lizzy Hawker

Nous sommes ravis que Sacha soit un ambassadeur de l’UTMR sur les pistes et les médias sociaux ! Merci Sacha & ; nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir à nouveau en septembre 2020. Vous pouvez trouver Sacha sur facebook si vous voulez le contacter !   Sacha (Turbosnail) Mijatov Né en 1971 Ville natale : […]

Fév 28 2020

Rangliste Grächen UTMR 2019 Kinderrennen

UTMR Admin

A big thank you to all of the children who stepped on to the start line for the 2019 Kinderrennen event at the UTMR in Grächen. It was 100% effort from the start to the finish as you might expect if you’ve ever seen a children’s running race. There were two distances, 2 km and […]

Fév 24 2020

Matthieu Girard de retour pour l’Ultra Tour 2020

Lizzy Hawker

Notre vainqueur 2018 du 170 km Ultra Tour, Matthieu Girard, est de retour pour 2020 ! Voici ce qu’il pense de UTMR. Merci Matthieu & Bonne chance, à voir en Septembre! N.B Matthieu est co-président du Trail Verbier St-Bernard une belle série de courses début juillet à l’autre bout du Valais. Ça vaut le coup […]

Fév 04 2020

L’UTMR dans le magazine Trails Endurance

UTMR Admin

Merci au photographe Hervé Le Gac et Trails Endurance d’avoir pris le temps et l’effort de couvrir l’Ultra Tour Monte Rosa 2019 et de braver les conditions météorologiques malheureuses auxquelles nous avons été confrontés. Nous espérons que vous reviendrez pour les journées ensoleillées que nous attendons plus souvent !

Jan 26 2020

L’équipe slovaque d’ultra-trail à l’UTMR 2020

Lizzy Hawker

Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir un coureur d’élite, Marián Priadka, de l’équipe slovaque d’ultra-trail pour les 170 km de l’UTMR ! Voici ce qu’il a à dire ….. J’ai commencé par la course à pied comme entraînement et activité alternative pour le VTT, ce qui m’a ramené au sport après plusieurs années de pause. Après mes […]

Jan 21 2020

Courir dans la nuit : Les aventures de l’ultramarathon en Europe

Lizzy Hawker

L’un de nos anciens concurrents de l’UTMR, David Byrne, vient de publier un livre sur la course d’ultra qui contient un chapitre sur l’édition zéro de la course par étapes de l’UTMR en 2015. Il déclare : « Pour moi, l’édition 2015 a été formidable car elle m’a permis de voir un nouveau lieu et de […]

Déc 21 2019

L’UTMR sera une course de qualification pour la 2021 Hardrock Hundred Mile Endurance Run

Lizzy Hawker

Nous avons eu de bonnes nouvelles du conseil d’administration de « Hardrock » ! Arrivéeles participants à notre course de 170 km en 2020 seront qualifiés pour la loterie du Hardrock 2021. Pour ceux qui n’ont pas entendu parler du Hardrock, il s’agit d’un ultramarathon de 100 miles dans la chaîne de montagnes San Juan, dans le […]

Août 10 2019

Europaweg : nouvelles routes de Grächen à Europahütte

UTMR Admin

https://www.graechenberglauf.ch/europaweg/ L’Europaweg de Grächen à Europahütte a changé depuis août 2018. Une nouvelle route a été ouverte en juin 2019. La nouvelle route comporte deux variantes, l’une plus difficile, l’autre plus facile. Toutes les informations suivantes sont données à titre indicatif et sans garantie ! Première variante Sortez d’abord de Grachen vers le sud en […]

Juin 03 2019

Double excitation – Ida Nilsson & ; Moonvalley vient à l’UTMR !

Lizzy Hawker

  Ida Nilsson n’a pas besoin de présentation avec une foule de performances gagnantes à certains des ultras de montagne les plus vénérés au monde ! L’athlète suédoise a connu une saison 2018 exceptionnelle, avec notamment sa 3e victoire (consécutive) à Transvulcania (73km), une victoire à Maratòn Alpina Zegama-Aizkorri (42km) & ; une deuxième place […]

Mar 31 2019

Christian Insam de retour à Arrivée unArrivéed’affaires sur les sentiers du Monte Rosa

Lizzy Hawker

La Sportiva athlète d’élite, Christian Insam, revient à Arrivée unArrivéeed business sur les sentiers du Mont Rose ! Bonne chance, à bientôt en septembre !     Après mon retrait l’année dernière au km 120, ma première pensée a été de revenir définitivement pour conclure le parcours autour du Monte Rosa ! L’envie de revenir […]

Mar 27 2019

L’international britannique Dan Lawson est à la recherche d’un peu de magie dans la course par étapes de 4 jours de 2019

Lizzy Hawker

  Dan Lawson est un coureur international britannique. En 2016, il a remporté les championnats d’Europe des 24 heures de l’IAU et détient le record du monde pour la distance parcourue sur un tapis roulant en 7 jours. Il vient d’effectuer un FKT sur la piste du Jourdain avec Robbie Briton. Pourquoi se tourne-t-il vers […]

Mar 21 2019

L’élite slovaque, Peter Brestovansky, pour les 170 km de l’UTMR en 2019

Lizzy Hawker

Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir un coureur d’élite, Peter Brestovansky, de l’équipe slovaque d’ultra-trail pour les 170 km de l’UTMR ! Voici ce qu’il a à dire ….. « In plus de l’escalade, du ski alpinisme et du VTT, j’aime aussi courir. Les longues distances à parcourir. Ultra run. C’est sorti tout droit de nulle part. À […]

Fév 26 2019

Coureurs en visite au Népal

Lizzy Hawker

Nous sommes heureux d’accueillir deux coureurs népalais talentueux dans la course en 4 étapes de l’UTMR lors de leur première visite hors du Népal ! Nous sommes impatients d’entendre ce qu’ils pensent des sentiers autour du Mont Rose ! Bonne chance les gars … Mahesh Thapa et Bikash Tamang sont deux jeunes coureurs d’ultra-trail népalais […]

Jan 10 2019

Roman Evarts choisit l’UTMR après l’UTMB

UTMR Admin

UTMB Podium Arrivéeer choisit le parcours de 100 miles de l’UTMR 2019 pour son prochain grand défi afin de rester concentré, et de garder la ligne. Il rejoint le top 5 du finisseur de l’UTMB Damian Hall et la 11ème place Petter Restorp. Après l’UTMB de l’année dernière, Arrivéeing 6e, j’ai réalisé mes ambitions sportives […]

Jan 08 2019

How to own a mountain

Lizzy Hawker

Here’s a nice insight into the 2018 4-day Stage Race from Rebeca Ehrnrooth, part owner of myRaceKit. A Swede living in the UK, she is an outdoor enthusiast and ultra-runner who travels the world for adventures and races. We look forward to welcoming you back in 2019 Rebeca! ——-   In Lizzy Hawker’s book Runner there […]

Jan 02 2019

Damian Hall est dans le coup …

Lizzy Hawker

Damian Hall, journaliste et coureur d’élite, est inscrit au 2019 170 km Ultra Tour. Avec une impressionnante 5e place à l’UTMB 2018 en 22:35:13, et ayant récemment établi un FKT (temps connu le plus rapide) pour le Cape Wrath Trail avec Beth Pascall, il n’est pas étranger au long et difficile. Nous sommes impatients de […]

Déc 10 2018

Petter Restorp chooses UTMR 170 km, the full tour of Monte Rosa, for 2019

UTMR Admin

Petter Restorp has joined UTMR through our programme for elite runners… Restorp finished 11th in the UTMB this year in a very respectable 23:34:35 and is looking for a new challenge for 2019 as he explains below. —— I ended my 2018 season with a full month of rest. Instead of running I went climbing in […]

Juil 29 2018

A bucket list ultra – Why choose Ultra Tour Monte Rosa?

UTMR Admin

When people enter for the Ultra Tour Monte Rosa, the ultra trail race around the massif of Monte Rosa, we ask them to tell us why they entered, with this question. Of all the races in the world, why did you choose to race the Ultra Tour Monte Rosa? And here are the answers! Massimo […]

Juil 16 2018

Christian Insam, a La Sportiva athlete from Italy, on UTMR 2018

Lizzy Hawker

Some questions to Christian Insam, an Italian athlete on the team from La Sportiva, on why UTMR and what he is looking forward to.   What you are looking forward to? I’ve been hearing about UTMR for a few years now. The idea of touring Monte Rosa has always  fascinated me, as all wild, technical […]

Juin 25 2018

Alternative à UTMB – une course européenne comparable de 100 miles

UTMR Admin

« Qu’est-ce qu’une bonne alternative à UTMB – Ultra Trail Mont Blanc? » L’Internet est un excellent endroit pour préfixer le nom d’un excellent produit avec «Alternative à» pour trouver un moyen soit de trouver quelque chose de moins cher, plus simple, encore «inconnu» et plus silencieux, etc. Surtout le cas lorsque le produit en […]

Juin 19 2018

Nicky Spinks, double Bob Graham Round record holder on UTMR 2018

Lizzy Hawker

Guest post by Nicky Spinks. Nicky is the current double Bob Graham Round record holder, two laps of a ~106 km mountain route in the Lake District in the UK.  With entries closing in two weeks I thought I would remind everyone what a fantastic race this is and to say that I’m so looking forward […]

Juin 10 2018

USA Ambassador: Jason Poole

UTMR Admin

JASON POOLE : COLORADO, USA We’re delighted that Jason has offered to share his experience of the 2017 Ultra Tour Monte Rosa with anybody interested in learning more about the course from an American trail perspective. Here’s a little info about Jason and contact details.  Jason became involved in endurance sports in 1987, primarily competing […]

Avr 03 2018

Japan Ambassador – Shinobu Ono

UTMR Admin

小野 忍(おの しのぶ) 1958年生まれ。東京在住の元アルピニストで現在はスロートレイルランナー。仕事は登山ガイドと海外登山のアドアバイザーです。個人的には100㎞以上のロングのレースに好んで出場し、制限時間を最大限につかいレースを楽しんでいます。 UTMRの舞台であるモンテローザ周辺の山やトレイルは、40年近くにわたり毎夏通っており、モンテローザやマッターホルンのほかにも多くの山の登頂経験があります。また今回のレースコースの一部は、それらの山からのの下山の途中に歩いたことのある、懐かしくまた慣れ親しんだコースです。 このエリアの山やトレイルの知識や経験を生かし、大会のアンバサダーとして参加される皆様の完走のためのサポート、現地での移動や宿泊、レース前後の観光や登山、ハイキングなどのお手伝いをさせていただきます。 chamonixshinobu@yahoo.co.jp http://mountain-ma.com/katorisenko

Mar 07 2018

When a photographer leaves his cameras behind …

Lizzy Hawker

  Lloyd Belcher, our photographer in 2015 and 2017, is coming back in 2018. This time he is leaving the cameras behind and this is why! Good luck Lloyd!   « I’m very fortunate that I have a job that I enjoy and it takes me to some beautiful places around the world. But don’t be […]

Nov 07 2017

2017 Ultra winner Stone Tsang interviewed over the last kilometer

UTMR Admin

So exciting! It’s a tough race, very difficult. Very difficult. It’s not a normal ultra race. If you finish this race [you’re] very tough, the very long climbs up and do – so big – also the altitude, and also the technical… it’s so technical my god! Unbelievable. It’s not just one or two sections. […]

Sep 29 2017

Feedback from runners in 2017

UTMR Admin

While feedback is sometimes critical (and constructive) there is a lot of happy feedback from many race competitors. Here is a selection from 2017…. Basil Geoghegan « The UTMR was awesome. Putting together a race on this terrain is impressive. I loved it. I have never run a stage race before. Standing in an Alpine village […]

Août 08 2017

2017 UTMR poster!

Lizzy Hawker

We have a new poster for 2017!  

Juil 02 2017

FKT of Tour de Monte Rosa – how was it?

UTMR Admin

On 29th July 2016, Lizzy Hawker completed a full tour of Monte Rosa solo, to « test the course ». Here is what she wrote back then in answer to five questions about the route. You started at the same time as the race will start next year, so passed around the route as a mid pack […]

Nov 30 2016

Why we ask for the experience we ask for!

Lizzy Hawker

The route of the Ultra Tour Monte Rosa is challenging! Bold, beautiful and brutal …. There are two reasons why we ask for the experience we ask for – we want you to be safe and we want you to enjoy your race experience. It is a tough trail – high, wild and technical in […]

Oct 26 2016

Leeches, faceplants, snowblindness: Lizzy Hawker takes on the Great Himalaya Trail

UTMR Admin

The Great Himalaya Trail is a vague concept, really a network of trails through the Himalayas. When you set foot on the trails, it’s anything but vague: it’s tough, wild, enormous, humbling. Lizzy Hawker, as you may know, has a passion for making long solo journeys across tough terrain. In 2011, a attempt to cross […]

Sep 16 2016

UTMR 2016 Monte Rosa images from Mark Brightwell

UTMR Admin

Mark was standing below the Monte Moro pass on the Swiss side. While monitoring the runners down the slope, he kept his camera busy. Mark wants to offer printed copies of his images to you for a reasonable price in order to collect money for Trail Running Nepal’s athlete fund. The athlete’s fund raises money for […]

Août 24 2016

UTMR Equipment review – taped seams mandatory!

UTMR Admin

Runners, with one week to go we would like to highlight the importance of the obligatory equipment. Mandatory equipment list. “There is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing.” I have just attended an event that was hit by severe wind and rain for the full 5 day duration of the event. Most […]

Août 06 2016

Sidetracked by the Tour of Monte Rosa

UTMR Admin

« The terrain was rougher than we could possibly imagine. It was in stark contrast to the flowing trails that we’d encountered while racing the UTMB (Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc). » Ben Read and James Noorkoiv’s account of a summer fastpack adventure on the Tour de Monte Rosa. The threat of a storm forces them to return […]

Août 02 2016

(Ultra) Tour Monte Rosa training camp on the 2017 UTMR route

UTMR Admin

Lizzy Hawker runs training camps around Monte Rosa. These are part UTMR trail familiarisation trips, part running training camps, part trail running instruction from Lizzy, if you ask her nicely. Covering around 170km in four days with some 11,000m of elevation change is a fantastic boost to your training for trail. It’s great preparation for […]

Juil 29 2016

A non-stop Tour de Monte Rosa

UTMR Admin

UPDATE: Lizzy completed in 37 hours 10 minutes The climb is more than Everest from sea to summit, and fortunately the distance is much shorter than bay of Bengal to Everest’s top. But the comparatively short 169km on mountain trails with over 11,000m of climb and descent, all at an average altitude of around 2200m, […]

Juil 14 2016

How hard is an ultra?

UTMR Admin

We’ve just held 2016’s first UTMR training camp – completing the full tour of Monte Rosa in four long days. A mix of running the downs and hiking the ups, to get familiar with the course and get long hours on our feet. It’s the kind of course that needs that. One of the participants, Fergus […]

Juil 11 2016

2017 stage I / first 40km

UTMR Admin

The 2017 ultra will be a full tour of Monte Rosa, from Grächen to Grächen, with a 4-stage race along side. This nicely builds upon the experience from the stage race only zero edition, and 2016’s single stage ultra along side the stage race. 2017 thus adds the Europaweg from Grächen to Zermatt, and the crossing from Switzerland […]

Juil 02 2016

The Tour

Lizzy Hawker

  True, Ultra Tour Monte Rosa is only in its second year as an organized running event, but the long-distance hiking route around the Monte Rosa massif has been trod by people for quite a while previous to this. Wild and high and ridiculously scenic as it is, it’s punctuated by signs of habitation—vestiges of […]

Juin 15 2016

They think you can do it too!

Lizzy Hawker

Words by Sarah Barker. I was rude and inquired the age of two finishers of the 2015 UTMR. Like most things, Roger and Bridget took my impertinence in stride, shared their experiences and gave some tips. Prepare to be blown away and inspired. In their own words… « Roger is 70 and I‘m 64. We have […]

Juin 12 2016

Reading. Running and reading.

Lizzy Hawker

Words by Sarah Barker. I’ve observed that runners read. This is strictly anecdotal, and scientific rigor could easily prove me wrong, but I find that when runners return from seven or eight hours of scissoring the pins, they like to have a knees up. Because they are obsessive multitaskers, reading ensues. Next day, they’ve got […]

Juin 03 2016

A volunteer’s view – meet Keith Byrne

Lizzy Hawker

Words by Sarah Barker As race volunteers go, you could do a lot worse than Keith Byrne. Super-chipper at dark-thirty in the morning? Eternal summer of the feet? Ah yes, that Keith Byrne. Byrne’s job at last year’s UTMR was to brief runners in the morning, then scurry quick to the finish line and get […]

Juin 01 2016

The optimism of spring

Lizzy Hawker

Today is the 1st June already but everything is still possible. Registrations are open until July 1st – sign up now! Register here!   Words by Sarah Barker « All things seem possible in May. » I might have said that, after a few beers, but naturalist, photographer and writer Edwin Way Teale said it first. On the […]

Mai 27 2016

Happy Finishers

Lizzy Hawker

Words by Sarah Barker So, the knee’s acting up again, or there was that frantic spot at work such that your training was reduced to the round-trip hike between desk and water cooler, and, well, you’re a bit unsure of your fitness. And particularly as it applies to the (ridiculously scenic) 116K of Ultra Tour […]

Mai 21 2016

Krissy Moehl’s memories

Lizzy Hawker

Words by Sarah Barker. Women’s runner up of last year’s zero edition, Krissy Moehl, has plenty of trail racing experience—multiple UTMB finishes and two Hardrocks to name a few. Here are some things that made UTMR special for her: « The route, when done as a single-stage ultra, will be more challenging than UTMB—more technical trails, burlier […]

Mai 13 2016

Smartphone GPS Trackers

UTMR Admin

We take pride in marking the Ultra Tour Monte Rosa course well with florescent markers such that nobody get  lost. But everybody sometime gets into the zone of deep concentration, or deep conversation with a running partner and has missed that sharp right turn and continued down the trail. If you carry a smart phone with […]

Mai 11 2016

The UTMR Route and its secrets ….

Lizzy Hawker

Words by Sarah Barker Since I’ve been writing about ultras—not doing them, mind you, just hanging out in cow pastures shaking a bell and talking to people who actually carry themselves over nights and rocks—certain words have taken on a completely new meaning. Words like challenge, exposure, mountain, dinner. Fun. Take for example, mountain. Having […]

Avr 17 2016

The race she wanted to run – UTMR and the Lizzy factor!

Lizzy Hawker

Say celebrity chef and author Anthony Bourdain opened a restaurant; you’d want to go, right? The guy’s eaten at and written about seemingly every famous restaurant on the planet. He’s an expert on dining. What would be on the menu? What would the atmosphere be like? If—didn’t happen, but if—guitar god Eric Clapton had put […]

Oct 01 2014

Ultra Tour Monte Rosa

UTMR Admin

    Today is an exciting day!   We start to tell the news and story of our race.   Welcome to Ultra Tour Monte Rosa.   We have been working hard on this new project to develop a beautiful trail race around Monte Rosa on the Swiss / Italian border. We will hold a zero […]