How to reach Grächen
Grächen is a village above St Niklaus in the Matter Valley in Switzerland. Look here for its location on google maps. Grächen is easily accessible by public transport from Milan, Geneva and Zurich airports. Comprehensive information about how to reach Grächen is available on the website of the Tourist Office: here.
All train and bus connections can be worked out using the wonderful website of the Swiss Railway Buying a ticket in advance will save you money. Make sure your destination is “Grächen Zentrum“. Remember Grächen is mostly a car-free village and all hotels and apartments are within walking distance of the start/finish line in Grächen Dorfplatz. Useful pointer… trains leave directly from Geneva and Zurich airports. Travel within Switzerland is very easy!
See here for the list of bus shuttles offered in 2024 and how to book a seat.
Click on the small box in the top left hand corner for further information.
If you are traveling from Chamonix:
If you wish to share a car you can use our “Friends of Ultra Tour Monte Rosa” facebook group to connect with other runners!