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Jasmin Paris climbing at Tromso Sky Race


Jan 22

Jasmin Paris will compete in the 170 km Ultra Tour for 2021

Lizzy Hawker

We’re very happy to welcome Jasmin Paris as one of the elite women running the 170 km Ultra Tour in 2021!

Jasmin is British and is extremely well known in Great Britain as a fell runner, and became known on the international stage as a sky runner after her victory in the 2016 Skyrunner World Series (Sky Extreme) and bronze medal at the 2016 Skyrunning World Championships (Sky Ultra). She received significant media attention for her overall win in the 268 mile / 430 km Spine Race in 2019.

We wanted to introduce Jasmin to UTMR followers and ask her if she would share some advice from her wealth of experience with other UTMR runners this year.

Jasmin Paris running UTMB 2016
In her first attempt at a 100+ mile distance race, Jasmin finished 6th woman at the 2016 Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB). © www.inov-8.com / James Mackeddie

I’m really excited about racing the UTMR. I’ve heard so many good things about it, and it sounds exactly like the kind of race, or even just run, I enjoy most: technical, slightly off the beaten track and allowing you to get away from it all in the big mountains.

Jasmin Paris

Jasmin, for our international runners who might not know of your achievements, please introduce yourself!

I’m an ultra distance hill and trail runner based in Scotland, where I live with my husband, our two young children, and border collie dog. When I’m not working as a vet, or caring for the little ones, I love being out in the mountains. I will be returning to racing this year following the birth of my youngest child in 2020 and I’m really excited about racing the UTMR. I’ve heard so many good things about it, and it sounds exactly like the kind of race, or even just run, I enjoy most: technical, slightly off the beaten track and allowing you to get away from it all in the big mountains. I’ll be bringing my family with me and I know they will enjoy joining in with the friendly atmosphere of the race and cheering everyone along!

Q. Do you have any secret tips to share with other runners that you’ve learned over the years, which increase your chance of finishing?

I think that a huge part of running an ultra race is in the mind, it’s about having the self belief and the determination to keep going when things get hard. I’ve found through experience that I typically have at least one bad patch on any long race, but now that I know to expect it, I’m better equipped mentally to deal with it. I’ve learnt that as long as I keep eating, and keep looking after myself, things will start to feel easier again. I try to keep moving as much as I can, even if it’s at a slow pace, but remember that time spent checking navigation, putting on clothes before I get cold, or getting more food from my pack is always a good investment in the long run.

Jasmin Paris climbing at Tromso Sky Race
Jasmin Paris at the Tromso Sky Race ©Kilian Jornet

Q. Do you talk to yourself a lot when the going gets tough? What do you find helps keep you going when it’s feeling very tough?

Sometimes I talk to myself, and sometimes I sing – in fact I’ve found that singing out loud is a great way to keep oneself awake. When things get very tough, I tend to think of my family, and how we’ll spend our time together again once the race is over. I try to focus on something positive, and hold that image, or else let my mind drift and not think of anything at all – just fall into a sort of meditative state. 

Jasmin, we look forward to welcoming you and your family to Grächen in September! Best of luck!

Note: the 170 km Ultra Tour is filling up fast. Pre-register now to reserve your place. There are still plenty of places available for the 100 km Ultra 3 Passes trail race from Gressoney in Italy, to Grächen, Switzerland.


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